avenger - 10 years of blackmaiden

10 years of blackmaiden - the party

friday, 17th of december 2004

höninger weg 208, cologne/köln, germany

10 years ago Black Maiden did their first appearance on the PC scene - and that's something we'd like to celebrate with you. You and your friends are welcome to join us in a nice location in Cologne-Zollstock to drink a few beers and bodyrock to some good music.

Features will be:

And all this for a contribution towards expenses amounting to 10EUR/person, including BEER FOR FREE (and the usual softdrinks)!

If you're feeling like celebrating this special occasion with us, please register, so that we can see how many people are going to show up and perhaps even get a chance to lower the entrance fee.

Expect to find more information here in a few days.